Top Tips for Creating Instagram-Ready Product Photos

As many as 70% of online shoppers look to Instagram for their next purchase. We live in an era of thriving e-commerce activity, and social media platforms are becoming one of the most important places for brands to advertise their products. Especially visually focused ones like Instagram. 

Instagram is a mega-hub of visual, digital content, which makes it prime territory for brands to present their products. Product photographers are tasked with the important job of capturing a brand’s wares and making them look as appealing as possible to consumers. 

The right product photograph can result in a successful sales conversion. On that same note, a poor product photograph can result in consumers scrolling down to the next brand. 

Ready to learn how to take Instagram-ready photos? These tips will help you to maximize Instagram’s business potential.

Instagram photos. A hand scrolling insta photos.Use Natural Light Whenever Possible

Generally speaking, natural light is considered the most flattering and appealing type of light to use in photography, and product photography is no exception. Lighting, in general, is very important for creating a balanced, high-quality shot, and natural light will help you capture a product’s best features. 

Natural light allows products to take on a true-to-life appearance that can make them look more attractive to consumers. It’s also very cost-effective because it doesn’t require lighting equipment. 

Of course, it might not always be possible to use natural light. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to emulate it, but you will need the support of a lighting kit. 

Be Consistent In How You Stage A Brand’s Products 

Remember, the reason why you are trying to make a product look good is for the benefit of the brand. Brands need to appear consistent in both the tone and standard of quality presented in their products, which means any product photography needs to follow a similar pattern. 

Being consistent about the style, aesthetic, and staging of the products you photograph is crucial for the sake of both the brand’s Instagram account and its identity as a whole. Your editing process should also remain consistent, as should the use of any filters that you add.

The vast majority of high-performing accounts on Instagram are popular because consumers appreciate visual consistency. If your product photography is going to perform well on this competitive platform, consistency is something you should make a main priority. 

Utilize Compositional Rules 

You don’t need to be a fine art student to know how to use basic compositional rules. There are many techniques you can use to ensure that your photos come out looking balanced every time, such as:

  • The rule of thirds – separating the frame into a 3×3 grid 
  • Symmetry – aligning shapes to mirror each other perfectly 
  • Leading lines – positioning products to draw the eye from one side to another 
  • Left to right rule – a sequence of shapes that progresses from left to right
  • Juxtaposition – a large, heavy shape on one side balanced by a smaller, lighter shape 
  • Golden ratio – using the Fibonacci spiral as a template for structuring shapes 

These compositional guidelines can help you frame your photographs in a more aesthetically pleasing way without requiring any special equipment or experience. Instagram is renowned for being a platform that contains beautiful, well-composed photos, and these techniques can help you compete with them. 

Experiment With A Variety Of Different Angles 

Consumers love to see a diverse variety of content on Instagram. While consistency is still important in terms of brand identity, shooting a selection of different angles and vantage points can create a more engaging visual experience for consumers. 

Don’t let your fear of irregularity override the need for range in your work. This is especially true for product photography, because consumers may want to see an item from multiple angles in order to get a clearer idea of its overall size, quality, and appearance. 

Considering that the main goal of product photography is to promote and showcase the product, it only makes sense to incite desirability by giving consumers a fuller perspective of it. 

When In Doubt, Opt For A White Backdrop 

The options for background may vary depending on what equipment you have access to and what kind of product you are shooting for a brand. But you can almost never go wrong with a classic white background. It looks professional, helps the product stand out, and is easy to create.

Whether you work from home or have a fully equipped photography studio, a white backdrop is almost always an accessible choice that looks good every time. It’s also great for creating a clean-looking Instagram feed, which most brands ascertain as a main priority. 

Make Sure Your Pixel Count Is Right 

Instagram has some confusing rules about the acceptable pixel count of uploaded photos. If it’s too high, you won’t be able to upload it, and you’ll have a great but effectively useless batch of photos. 

However, you don’t want your pixel count to be too low, because then the photograph will appear to be poor quality. In order to produce high-resolution but Instagram-friendly photos, your camera setting should be at a maximum of 10 to 20 megapixels. 

Discuss creative briefs at length 

As a professional product photographer, it’s crucial that your work hits every client’s creative brief. You’ll do a better job of bringing their vision to life, and they’ll be happier with the result. Make sure you have an open line of communication regarding the theme, style, and goal of the photos before you start shooting. 

Turning Instagram Into A Sales Opportunity 

With 1.318 billion people now using Instagram as a way to discover new brands and join in on global consumer trends, it’s never been more important for products to be advertised on this unique platform. Subsequently, there has never been a better time to work as a product photographer. 

By shooting high quality photos of products, photographers can help brands drive sales and convert consumers into loyal customers—all at a quick glance. 

But taking great product photographs is not as simple as it might appear to scrolling consumers, which is why this list of tips is here to help. Use them as a guide to staging and showcasing products in the best light, literally and metaphorically.