Trends in cybersecurity

The threat of cyberterrorism has forced many industries to re-evaluate their security posture and start focusing on safeguarding their digital infrastructures. Many companies have lost crucial data due to malware attacks on their respective networks. The most important thing to note about this issue is that those behind the hacking are always adopting new ways to outdo the current security systems. 

As such, to remain safe, every company needs to implement new protocols as soon as they come out. The changes in this sector are geared towards creating an even stronger firewall against any malware. In this article, you’ll find some of the most effective trends in cybersecurity that your IT team should employ. At the end of the day, you’ll not only save the company’s data, but also your reputation. 

Integration Of Privacy And Cybersecurity

Many people use privacy and security interchangeably, but the words have different meanings in a data-centric world. In layman’s terms, privacy is, basically, the right to be left alone. In other words, it’s the ability to protect sensitive information that might significantly impact one’s personal life or their business if exposed. Although it’s sometimes regarded as a component of security, privacy focuses on the type of data that can be shared and its permissible uses.

Security, on the other hand, is a set of protocols that defines who can access this information and at what time. For instance, in a bank, the tellers are allowed to view customer details from whichever branch. However, privacy dictates that the teller can only see this information if the customer demands so. As such, an employee at the bank can’t access any private data stored in the system to satisfy their personal needs. 

Having said that, the current technology trends are geared towards integrating privacy and cybersecurity. Well, this isn’t a new thing as it has been going on for the last few years in the realm of data exchange. As from 2020 onwards, you can expect this change to pick up the pace. Experts are coming up with several ways to ensure that privacy and security functions work together. Cybersecurity measures are becoming more stringent every day, and data privacy is at the heart of these innovations. 

As a business, you have a role to play in ensuring the success every alteration that’s set to take effect in the industry. For one, CISOs need to work closely with their teams in learning and understanding the new data laws. Most business structures today are designed in such a way that data privacy and security teams work independently. The problem, however, is the fact that there’s no law that clearly defines what measures each of these teams should take in reducing data risks. 

For that reason, companies are responsible for deciding how to solve this confusion. To increase productivity in this department, many organizations have opted to merge the two sections. As such, it’s much easier to identify any data privacy risks, while designing effective controls to address these problems. 

AI-Powered Security

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for many years, but it’s not common to find it integrated with data privacy and security. Today, however, machine learning (ML) and AI are increasingly becoming key players in cybersecurity strategies related to data privacy. Given the rise in cyberattacks, companies are constantly finding ways to protect their employees against these online criminals. 

One of the most common channels used by hackers to gain access to an employee’s computer is phishing. Company workers aren’t the only targets as consumers have also fallen victim to these threats. For instance, one might receive an email from a seemingly reputable sender whose primary purpose is to exploit the user’s private information. The fact that even the most intelligent members of big companies have fallen victim shows the trickiness of this subject.

The introduction of AI and ML in cybersecurity was meant to curb this menace and protect computer users from potential security threats. For instance, when an employee clicks on a link, the AI tools will identify any potential risk and automatically prevent any further activity. These programs are also designed to detect any strange events and take the necessary actions. 

However, since it’s about programming, this technique isn’t perfect—well, no system is 100% efficient after all. The hackers have always been toe-to-toe with whichever innovation is brought to protect businesses. One big disadvantage of computers is the fact that they can be deceived, provided one knows their way around the firewall. That said, cyber criminals are always tweaking their malware codes so that your security system doesn’t detect them as malicious. AI and ML tools are constantly being trained to identify such codes even if your traditional defenders miss them. 

The best part is that machine-learning saves every new malware code in a database. As such, it can draw upon information from the servers whenever it comes across a familiar entity. If the malware attack doesn’t match any of the previously saved codes, ML will go ahead and check the activity table. If a similar action is being attempted by one of the programs saved in the database, the software will flag it as a potential risk. So, even if the code is hidden within a large amount of benign codes, it will still be found. This is a new direction that you should consider taking because malicious attacks are becoming more sophisticated. 

Internet Of Things (IoT) Security

Simply put, Internet Of Things (IoT) is a concept that uses the Internet to connect various devices. For instance, controlling your TV or refrigerator using your smartphone is, by itself, one application of IoT. Now, imagine a scenario wherein all your devices are connected to each other through this method. Such a situation creates a perfect environment for attackers to virtually find their way to your living room or business. 

One of the main priorities in the current cybersecurity strategies is to secure IoT devices. It’s quite a difficult task to keep all your electrical gadgets safe, given that they’re designed by different manufacturers and for varying purposes. Unlike smartphone and computer manufacturers, the designers of refrigerators don’t prioritize security. As such, they become liabilities in the IoT ecosystem and this creates a loophole for attackers. Hackers may, then, use this opening to send malicious codes that will pose as a message from the device in question. 

Inasmuch as these companies are working to ensure that the users have an enjoyable experience, they fail to realize the vulnerabilities associated with IoT devices. The best solution is to have all manufacturers work in unison and secure individual devices from online intruders. This way, the whole IoT ecosystem will be safe from such attacks.

Hardware Authentication

The inadequacies surrounding usernames and passwords have long been known. Once an authorized person gets a hold of your credentials, all your data is at the mercy of the criminal’s hands. Regardless of how well you try to secure these details, there’s always a risk of exposing them to the wrong people. Computer and software manufacturers know this and are working tirelessly to find another solution to this prevalent problem.

Hardware authentication, for one, was introduced as an extra layer to the existing security protocols. Intel, for instance, is among the first implementers of this technology, with the Authenticate feature integrated into their new processors. This solution combines hardware-related factors to validate the identity of whoever is logging in to the machine. 

Hardware-based two-factor (2FA) is becoming quite popular among many IT departments. You can now secure your data with a key that literally goes into your wallet. All you need to do is plug in the device in your desktop or laptop, then, register it. The best thing about this technique is the fact that it’s easy to set up and use. Once you’ve registered it, you’ll be required to plug it in whenever you want to log in to any of the secured services. This method definitely puts an end to phishing and other malicious activities that have always targeted employees working in front of the monitor. 

Trends In Cybersecurity Every Business Should Know


Cyberterrorism has become quite rampant in recent years, perhaps, due to the ever-advancing technology. Inasmuch as tech-related innovations are very beneficial in business and private homes, they’re certainly putting innocent users at risk. As such, manufacturers are constantly working to ensure that such threats are minimized as much as possible. The attackers, on the other hand, are also finding new and more sophisticated ways to bypass new barriers put in front of them. This cat and mouse game is the source of new cybersecurity trends introduced every year.

Integration of data privacy and security seems to be one of the main current trends in the world of cybersecurity. AI tools and machine-learning techniques are also becoming significant players in a bid to enhance these strategies. These methods are designed to effectively protect new hardware authentication systems to ensure that user information is kept safe from unauthorized access. IoT has been around for a long time, but has recently fallen victim to online attacks. As such, securing all gadgets in an IoT ecosystem is now a priority for all responsible manufacturers.