Facticiti - Job Portal

Job search portal that brings candidates and employers together.

Project description

The website developed for everyone who is looking for a job and wants to get into a database of candidates to be selected by employer. The system allows to create an account for providing more details to a potential employer. On the website, candidates can pass online test(s) to identify the strong and weak pints of the professional skills. The results are analyzed and saved automatically to the database. This data is used to match the candidate to the appropriate job and to propose the most suitable candidates. Internal intelligent algorithm of the web app compares candidate skills with vacancy requirements and provides and employer with the list of the best candidates. One more unique feature of this job portal is that a candidate records a short video answering 4 questions which are also saved in the database automatically. In addition to CV and tests, the short video interview provides a potential employer with more useful information about the given candidate. So, an employer can check a video and see how every candidate behaves, listen to his/her speech which can help to rate the candidates’ self-presentation to make sure whether the particular candidate fits the job or not.

The key features

  • Online skills tests for candidates
  • CV and skills test result analysis
  • Possibility for a candidate to record a video
  • Internal intelligent matching algorithm that selects and proposes suitable candidates
  • An employer has a detailed list of qualified candidates


  • UI:
    CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap Grid, Ajax
  • RDBMS:
    SQL, PHPMyAdmin.
  • Frameworks:
    Yii 2
  • Backend:
    PHP 7.1.
  • Application Servers:
    Apache Tomcat 7
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