EcoMonitoring - Ecology mobile app

An iOS mobile application for tracking ecology situation in Moscow.

Project description

Concern about the safety of a home environment is a natural need of each person. People need to know the quality status of air, water, food, background radiation, and so on. "EcoMonitoring" iOS mobile application was designed to help people to solve the problem. With this mobile application you can get the full amount of public open data on the ecology in a convenient mobile format. The application collects data from automatic air pollution monitoring stations. The mobile app processes the data and a user can see detailed information about ecological situation in a structured way. Ecomonitoring mobile application shows also explanations of specific ecologic terms and shows normal values and exceeding of the emission standard. So, even a user without ecological professional knowledge can understand the information presented in the application. The mobile application is also considered to be an accessible one, because it has a screen reading module for people with impaired vision.

The key features

  • Data collection form automatic air pollution monitoring stations
  • Provision of data to users in an understandable way
  • Available for non-professionals
  • Accessible for people with impaired vision
  • Simple and user-friendly design


  • iOS platform programming language:
    Objective C
  • Backend:
  • Database:
  • Tools & technologies used:
    iOS SDK, CoreData, Xcode, PHP, Rest.
  • Project management tool: