Good website attributes
As you all might know there are different website development approaches. As well as there are different types of websites which serve different purposes. However, there is a list of 10 feature each website needs. No matter whether it is travel website, self branded website or a simple landing page to advertise a company or any kind of activity. While doing the sitemap and the structure for your web in general, try to keep listed 8 points in mind.
1. Appealing interface
Today most of the users pay special attention to the interface of the website. Searching for something in Google, or in any other search engine you should understand that users will open many pages and look through each very quickly. If the interface itself looks bad or buggy, or it is not clear from the first sight what it is about, or the user simply doesn’t find what he/she is searching for – in a couple of seconds he will close the tab and move further.
No matter it is a custom website or design using modern constructor tools. First of all, select the color palette, search for appropriate images and videos, review the content “as a user”. What does it mean? – don’t create long texts and phrases, users just go through the page and read what is highlighted, very rarely they look through all the texts and phrases. Keep it in mind creating your content.
2. User friendly UI
Close to, but not similar to the point one. When you create a website, the ideal way is to get some usability testing to see if the interface is ready for the end user. As practice shows the budget to perform usability testing is usually affordable for big companies, while bloggers, early start-ups and many other self-entrepreneurs cannot afford it. What to do? – Just create a list of actions which your user is supposed to do and ask your friends to use a prototype and you will see which issues they will have, which questions and, as a result, you will come to a conclusion what to improve.
3. Easy to use contact form
The contact form is a very important part of any website. Your user should have the possibility to go quickly to the contact form from any page of the website, when the idea that he is willing to talk to you comes to his mind. It is a good idea to keep the contact form with 3-5 fields. Obvious fields every form should have is Name and Surname, email or phone number and message.
A good tip is to test your form working, at least each week. Because, we at Code Inspiration already had a very interesting case. When recently we stopped getting emails to our info box, we thought that something is wrong with our marketing strategy, further we thought that we post content which is not relevant, and only in a week or so one of us tried to test the form itself. And the answer was simple: there was a bug which blocked the delivery of requests to our email.
4. Information about you or your company
It is very important to share relevant and easy-to-read and easy-to-understand information about your company or if the website is self-branded, information about yourself. As practice shows, your customers who are planning to work, order or have any other type of activity are willing to know who you are. You can share your philosophy, methodology, what makes you or your company unique. Sometimes, it is a good idea to share the information about the history of the company and to provide more insights. Also, in most cases people like to see real photos, be it office, store or people working in the organization.
5. What makes you unique?
We have somehow touched this aspect in the point number 4. As for now there are lots of similar services, products, blog topics and it is important to show in a non-aggressive way what makes you stand from all your competitors, from all companies providing similar services. Maybe it is a unique approach, or best price, or fast delivery. Find top 3 points what makes you unique and exclusive in what you do and share it with your visitors.
6. Well-designed footer and header
While your website can be a single page one or can consist of multiple pages. The most important elements which your visitors will use are Footer and Header. Usually footer has practically same information as Header.
Obviously, in the left corner of your Header you should place your logo. Clicking the logo should forward you to the main page.
In Footer it is obviously to place contact details. Additionally, it is possible to place so-called “Quick links”. They will lead to FAQ, Services and other most popular pages of the website.
7. Mobile responsive version
And the last point you should think about in the very beginning of your website development is mobile version. As you might know more than 50-60% of users surf through internet using their mobile devices, and it is important that the mobile version is done in a responsive and user-friendly way. Also, for your reference, websites which do not have responsive version, or have pages with bad mobile responsiveness are not ranked in search engines.
Today, in the digital world of nowadays every service and every product, any information, survey and much more could be sold via a website. Keeping these simple 7 points in mind developing your website will help you to achieve better results and get more visitors on your way to success.
If you need more website development insights, check this article with 60+ triggers of trust for any website.