Custom software development company
Here at Code Inspiration, delivering satisfactory work to our clients is one of our top priorities. It has been since we started doing business in 2012. That is why our profile on Clutch is something that we like to brag about. As a B2B ratings and reviews website, many of our eventual clients find us on through their platform. Our overall rating of 4.9 stars means that we are rated one of the best IT services in Belarus. We also recently received another review for a total of 14!
This newest review covers our web and mobile development work that we completed for an online marketplace comparison portal. Our work consisted of improving the search results of the website while also developing a mobile app on iOS and Android that was an extension of the web platform. We also solved responsiveness and CSS code issues that the client was having with their main website. The client was pleased with how we simplified the solutions and explained our process. They were happy with the final product, rating us 5 stars.
“They worked hard to eliminate any misunderstandings.” –Owner, Online Market
One of our managers commented on the value that Clutch brings to our business and the importance of gaining good reviews:
“Being not so interested in exaggeration of our services, we are sure that the client is capable of describing them from the perspective of achieving the customer’s goals and gaining satisfaction at every phase of our interaction from initial message or call to fully developed product delivery. We strongly believe that the client in the review submits vision statement of our services as it is.
“It goes without saying that representatives of our company will provide you the best consultancy regarding your request. And we strongly believe that the combination of the consultancy from our side and good reviews on Clutch would become a key factor for our potential customers to trust their business to professionals from Code Inspiration team.
“We also treat Clutch customer’s reviews as a perfect opportunity to get fair feedback on our working process because Clutch reviews are evidence of our professional realization of high-quality software solutions.”
We are also featured on two of Clutch’s sister sites. First, The Manifest lists us among the leading web developers in Belarus. The second site is called Visual Objects and highlights our work as some of the best from development companies.
If your business is in search of any IT solutions, contact us today.