Online presence for business
Every company small and big has a website to represent their services in internet. If there were multiple businesses years ago working with a physical office and shops only, now it is hard to imagine a restaurant or even a gift shop without a web page or profile in social networks. Individual entrepreneurs, small shops and cafes advertise themselves in internet. It is possible to check goods and prices, view restaurant menus and special offers. Needless to say, online shops never stopped getting more and more users.
In fact, today businesses struggle to occupy as much space as possible in the attention economy. The success of this process begins with a basics of online presence.
It is important to mention that being big or even medium company there is usually no problem in getting budget to create a website, make all photos and descriptions. As well as to advertise it in social networks, hiring people who will manage your social accounts, write content for your blog and constantly update your website, be it new design every 2 years or activities required to keep your website well optimized for search engines.
Digital presence aspects
What to do if your business consists of few people? If the budget is not big? Here are a few suggestions with what to start:
- Social networks
Define your target users If you are selling cosmetics or clothes for teens and youngsters mostly, start with an Instagram page and a page on Facebook, it is free. Further start advertising them and check the progress. Social networks work perfectly for restaurants, home-made food, goods for kids, beauty goods, beauty saloons.
Additionally, businesses should spend some efforts to get listed on aggregators. There are multiple aggregators and listing services, both general, like Google My Business, Apple Maps Connect, Microsoft Bing Places, Yelp Business listing, Yahoo Small Business, and industry-specific ones.
Business Infographic – downloadabale PDF.
By the way, we are sure that sooner or later there will be almost no need for a business website, because aggregators, listing services and online catalogs attract more and more users. Users, in its turn, prefer aggregators to search results, because it is more convenient, offers useful features like comparison options, sorting, automated requests, etc.
- Landing page
Especially good for services. Landing page can be done with the help of Wix or any other no-code website builder. Focus on the main description and your unique proposal. What makes you stand out of the crowd? Add great photos, possibility to make an online order, or at least make sure your contacts could be easily found.
- Online store
If you sell goods, nothing will work better than an online platform with all details and possibility to order and pay online. There are multiple affordable tools to create your online shop like Shopify. Add description about your online store on the main page. Video content is booming now, you can add a video on the main page, make beautiful vitrine of goods and easy contact form with a possibility to pay online.Printify also works similarly in the custom printing online business, check out Printify reviews here. Work on notifications and messages confirming the purchase. Pay special attention to any emails sent by the system, try to customize them the way they look professional and stylish.
Digital Presence Maintenance
While basically most of you know their audience and create successfully social pages and websites, the main concern is what to do next to attract people and get more and more users. The main rule of all digital world is unique content and constant updates. No matter be it an account on Instagram, Facebook page or online shop, make sure you add updates 3-4 times a week. Pay attention to the photos you use. Try to find words that will make your content stand out of the crowd. Use unique texts.
Speaking about web pages – additionally to updating goods, blog is a great idea. You can publish articles in a blog depending on the niche of your website, press-releases, discount offers. Search engines “like” pages and websites which are constantly updating. Of course, you will need time to make your web ranked by google, but already in half a year you will see a result.
If you don’t have time to wait for so long, you can try an option of advertising your web using Google Ads. This is a rather expensive way of advertising, if your budget is limited, try ads in social networks. Prior to investing money, make sure all target metrics are well set for the advertising.
And one little thing, but extremely important. Check the contact form to be working daily or at least weekly. It might sound silly, but in reality, many companies face the situation when they spend huge budgets on advertising to help their users come to the page and in one-week time they see that no orders were made. In the end it turns out that the form wasn’t working fine. Avoid this mistake, make sure your users can buy your good or contact you. Also, timely answers bring good reputation and willingness to buy from you or use your services again.