Options to find software development company
The article is a part of Code Inspiration’s software development outsourcing Knowledge Base.
One of the most popular questions of a young entrepreneur, start-up or ambition individual who is looking for software development services. Digital world has become so popular nowadays that practically every service could be found online and daily good ideas raise millions of investments. A great part of the world is willing to be a part of it, but as in each sphere which is completely new to you there is a set of questions:
What to start with?
How much should it cost?
and, of course,
Where to find a reliable developer?
For sure much would depend on how lucky you are, as you will find failure stories of people who worked with the biggest software development providers together with cases when a solo freelancer was working on the project and further didn’t deliver, or delivered something inappropriate 3 months after the deadline.
However, if you are already on the way to find your developer or outsourcing team, here are few platforms where you can find what you are looking for:
Freelancer.com – major freelance platform
freelancer.com is one of the most popular freelancer platforms popular among solo freelancers and little teams.
As the platform is not that young it provides you with a possibility to see earlier records of a freelancer or of the software development team. So, in comparison to the young platforms here you will see reviews from previous customers which were left 2 or 3 or even 5 years ago. The platform shows not only the current rate but also the rate or the budget of the past projects together with the reviews. This will definitely provide you with insights of the budget range and finance expectations. There are also various tests which freelancer can pass to show his qualification in programming languages or other skills.
To find a developer, you do not need to review all developers’ profiles trying to figure out if they are a good fit for you. All you have to do is to publish a project and describe your task as detailed as it is possible. There is a preferred freelancer team which can assist you to find a developer for the project. There is a possibility to post a project for free, or if you want to have online NDA signed by the participants or IP agreement, this option is also possible for additional price of 20-30 USD.
The only but very significant minus of this platform is necessity to communicate only in the web site chat. Any attempt to provide your email, phone number or other sources of communication with you will end up with a reminding and further blocking of your account. So, keep it in mind during communication with potential developers for your project.
Clutch.co – major reviews aggregator
clutch.co – A reviews aggregator, where most of the reviews are collected via phone and a specific process of verification to those, who leave reviews, is applied.
This is a platform with companies practically from all over the world. They have main 4 areas of expertise they do officially represent on the platform:
- Advertising and marketing
- Web and software development
- Mobile app development
- IT services and solutions
So, if you need to find an expert or a team from one of mentioned areas – you can check by locale to see which team is the most suitable for you, according to the reviews. Also pay attention to the sponsored content, if you will open a listing by default, especially not a local but a global one – then you should apply filter to show “according to the reviews”. The default view will show you 5 or more pages of so-called “verified”, what means paid for a subscription actually, and sponsored profiles.
Also, a great option on clutch is to tell them about your project, and they will help you find a developer or a team according to their records.
The platform itself is a rather interesting one, as it not only provides reviews and listings, it has reach blog with articles. The content is really of the highest quality and always unique.
jooble.org – Software development jobs aggregator
Jooble is a great platform which provides different job opportunities and of course possibility to post a job.
Easy to apply form and appealing interface, a great number of visitors and banners to the right of search results with relevant to software development topics make this platform easy and pleasant to use.
All you need to do is to log in or to sign up and to post a job with a detailed description. Further you can wait for some time to get developers with relevant experience who will contact you.
Not to depend fully on the first impression, it is a great tip to hire a professional for a day or two in required technologies who will be capable to perform interviews together with you and advice you whom to select. This person for sure should be a senior one and most likely he will be very expensive to work on your project full time, but one or two days of interviews should help you to select a relevant team and should not impact your budget too much.
Of course, there are lots of other platforms and options to select a developer or a software development team, however, in this article we tried to show you 3 different approaches and all three platforms are considered to be the best in their approach to match candidates with employers.
The article is a part of Code Inspiration’s software development outsourcing Knowledge Base.