E-government services to citizens

The consequences of the new disease are unlikely to be limited to unpredictable processes in the economic and social spheres – they already have specific political outlines.

First of all, the responsibility of state authorities as a guarantor of the stability of the functioning of the system, especially in the sphere of domestic politics, is becoming more relevant. 

We are talking about the strong necessity in coordination of the activities of all subjects of the political system as a single mechanism. In view of the general uncertainty and negative economic forecasts, it is important to give a special role to the organization and regulation of economic processes and the creation of incentives for economic activity.

Thus, during the period of the coronavirus pandemic, political regimes, forms of government of all countries of the world will be tested. Simply said, passing this test will mean that the government of any state overcomes the pandemic crisis without severe socioeconomic consequences: mass layoffs, business closures, loss of savings.  

Access to state services during the pandemic

Obviously, sitting at home a person remains a citizen and needs access to state services like never before. This is a question about existence of a dedicated E-Government system where any citizen can connect with state authorities. 

As far as we know, in many countries governments promised some targeted aid measures to citizens and businesses who suffered from the pandemic. And if there is not a problem to send funds to bank account of the company, because all the companies are registered and the government authorities have all the necessary information, it can be some problems sending targeted aid to citizens. Even though a citizen has a bank account, the government probably will not force banks to transfer the information about citizens and their accounts. So, registration of all the citizens in some dedicated governmental information system is required.

The problem is that there is no possibility to transfer funds to citizens without violation the quarantine. A person or a group of state agents will not go around the houses and give cash from hand to hand. The only solution here is a single state E-Government service that makes possible to send targeted aid automatically according to the decisiosn of government authorities.   

Before COVID-19 strike the humanity thought there were enough online services, and we just needed to improve them for more comfort. The pandemic strike showed us we had not enough online services. In our opinion, we all have to understand the necessity to create such an information system, that will make possible for the majority of people to stay at home 24/7 without losing any comfort. In other words, that allows to get everything necessary online, using this system. On the other side, the government, using the system, will continue executing its functions via such an E-Gov system and, if necessary, implement support mechanisms right via the system. 

No elections during lockdown?

One more important aspect is organization of online elections. Pessimistic predictions say that countries will have to keep quarantine measures for 2 years. Elections of different levels are planned in many countries for this period. So, the governments will face a difficult situation: on the one hand the elections are impossible to pass without violation of quarantine – people will have to visit electoral areas personally; on the other hand elections can be postponed only in the state of emergency case. And it is expensive enough to enter the state of emergency for such a long period of time..  And there is no country where online election system is 100% operational.online elections within global digital transformation

Again, existence of a state single E-Government system can be a solution, which opens a possibility for everyone to vote online.  

It is clear that many global issues will need to be resolved, and not only after the epidemic, but right now. Possibly, coronavirus strike, being a significant threat, is also a great opportunity. Maybe, all the countries could unite to confront this threat? For example, to create a single E-Government system dedicated to automated data processing and data dissemination on the COVID-19 on the basis of the United Nations World Health organization. To begin with. 

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